These days, we spend more time sitting down staring intensely at the computer than doing physical work requiring our entire bodies. Our sense become overexcited because our brains are working too hard, and demands on our efficiency at work make us nervous.
Do you ever notice that in these situations, your breathing becomes shorter and more shallow? Sometimes, you may even stop breathing altogether for a moment or two. Furthermore, there are few occasions in which you can express your feelings adequately or thoroughly. You may be unable to speak directly to your family, boyfriend or girlfriend, and friends let alone business partners or customers at work. You are simply not relaxed enough to be honest with your feelings.
"Thank you walking" is a method of powerful and pleasant healing that leads to opening the body and releasing your emotions. Your breathing becomes deeper and allows you to mentally and physically enjoy your emotions and the scenery around you. Walking offers you the time to remember that each of us is integrated with the earth and the universe.
Please accept "Thank you walking" into your life and experience the a sense balance between you body, spirit and soul. There are many hints in this healing method that allow us to become more intimate with the earth and the universe. As you practice this technique, you will slowly find that you are more comfortable as you go about your daily routines. Enjoy!
“Thank you walking” is described in "Re-born"
written by Kyouka Kanayama.
Please take a look at it if interested in. |