œChinese herbal medicine based cuisine at Sei-ou: Youtan (Ye Shan)
@\For the strength to fight the summer heat\

"Thousand-year-old" Duck Eggs
(preserved duck eggs imported directly from Hong Kong in sweet vinegar and ginger)

Plate of 6 Appetizers
@@@@Buddhist veggies - Kinugasa mushrooms with green soybeans
@@@@Octopus with mustard sauce
@@@@Asparagus marinated in white sesame
@@@@Spicy jellyfish
@@@@Beef shank boiled eggs, boiled with spices, flavored with arhat fruits
@@@@Cold steamed chicken with scallion sauce

Medicinal Chinese chicken soup with dried scallop eyes and shark fin

Fresh prawns boiled in green tea

Japanese beef fillet with stir-fried black beans and summer greens, served with shallots

Spare ribs in Chinese black vinegar sauce

Stir-fried yams with lily buds and chives

Steamed grouper with pickled Szehuan peppers

Ginger fried rice made with 5 different grains

Homemade tofu topped with a bean soup sauce

œPrincipal Health Effects

Preserved Duck Eggs: fever reduction, detoxification, colitis

Green soy beans: food poisoning, beautiful skin, constipation
Arrowhead root: stops coughing and improves respiration, detoxification, reduce swelling
Octopus: •β‹C‰vŒŒ,strengthen muscle and bones, hemorrhoids, cholesterol reduction, treats fatigue

Asparagus: hypotensive diuretic, rheumatism, hardening of the arteries
White sesame: bowel movement, constipation

Jellyfish: aids digestion, lowers high blood pressure

Beef shank: improves liver functions and strengthens muscles
Star anise fruit: detoxification, strengthens kidneys
Chinese pepper: diarrhea and stomachaches, hip pains, cold feet
Arhat fruit: suppresses coughing and improves respiration, improves bowel movement, soothes the stomach

Chicken: treats oversensitivity to cold, improves anemia after childbirth
Scallions: perspiration, detoxification, helps digestion

Shark fin: prevents aging
Yarrow: improves respiration and digestion, strong in nutrients
Wolfberry: improves vision
Longan fruit: treats fatigued nerves
Jujube: purifies blood, improves mental stability, good for those with weak stomachs
Chuanxiong or Szehuan lovage root: improves blood circulation, treats oversensitivity to cold
Glehnia root: strengthens respiratory and digestive systems, good for coughs

Dish 1
Green tea: fever reduction, detoxification, improves water circulation in the bodyiƒ^ƒ“ƒjƒ“AƒƒeƒLƒ“–h‹Ϋj
Shrimp: increase metabolism, improves kidney function?

Dish 2
Beef: improves spleen function, strengthen muscles and bones
Citrus peel: treats digestive troubles
Black beans: helps perspiration, fevers cause by colds
Eggplant: helps blood clotting and inflammation
Wild rice: fever reduction, detoxification
Shallots: improves flow of qi to help colds

Dish 3
Pork: Vitamin B1 (improves concentration)
Black vinegar: helps blood clotting, detoxification, kills insects, treats fatigue
Yams: improves stomach functions, strengthens nourishment
Lily buds: improves water circulation in the body, detoxification, improves the function of blood
Yellow chives: treats internal disorders, bleeding noses

Red pepper: warms the stomach, kills bacteria, improves metabolism

Fried Rice
Ginger: warms the body against colds, treats nausea
g•Δccincreases qi by improving spleen function
βχ•Δcc•β”x—{‰A helps the function of lungs

Soy milk: strengthens the body and digestion
Tofu: fever reduction, fights cancer
Various green beans: fever reduction, detoxification, improves water circulation